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Heide Pitre

Kansas City, MO

Cras eleifend orci eget metus imperdiet ultricies. Curabitur a magna bibendum, vehicula lectus et, egestas ligula. Cras hendrerit lacus ut pretium feugiat. Maecenas ac mollis tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec ultricies justo sed varius posuere. Proin neque sem, mollis non libero eget, elementum sodales elit. Ut a molestie neque. Pellentesque viverra orci ut imperdiet ultrices. Mauris diam enim, dictum et massa semper, imperdiet consectetur justo. Nullam faucibus, quam sed dignissim tempor, turpis eros luctus ante, at ultrices diam lectus et velit. Nam dignissim faucibus lobortis.



A nod to the beauty and adventure of the Longleaf Trace and Hattiesburg Zoo, Moore’s Bike Shop worked with HAPA partners and artist Heidi Pitre on this joyful mural located at 1607 Hardy Street in Hattiesburg’s Avenues District.

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Heide Pitre

A nod to the beauty and adventure of the Longleaf Trace and Hattiesburg Zoo, Moore’s Bike Shop worked with HAPA partners and artist Heidi Pitre on this joyful mural located at 1607 Hardy Street in Hattiesburg’s Avenues District.

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Located on McLeod Street in Downtown Hattiesburg, “Suffrage” is a nod to the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment protecting women’s constitutional right to vote. This larger-than-life design is both vibrant and patriotic and includes an insignia officially honoring past and present female public office holders in the Greater Hattiesburg area.

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Heide Pitre

Located on McLeod Street in Downtown Hattiesburg, “Suffrage” is a nod to the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment protecting women’s constitutional right to vote. This larger-than-life design is both vibrant and patriotic and includes an insignia officially honoring past and present female public office holders in the Greater Hattiesburg area.

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